SSZ object to index

SSZ provides a set of functions, called PATHS to navigate the hash tree of SSZ objects.

Hash Tree:

We can describe the hash tree of any SSZ object, rooted in hash_tree_root(object), as a binary Merkle tree whose depth may vary.

For example, an object {x: bytes32, y: List[uint64]} would look as follows:

    /    \
   x    y_root
        /    \
y_data_root  len(y)
    / \
   /\ /\


A PATH is way of describing a function that takes as input an SSZ object and outputs some specific (possibly deeply nested) member. Paths are represented as lists.

  • The human-readable form is simply a /-separated list of path components, starting with the name of the root type.
    • Example: MyType/some_field/abc_list/123/foobar
    • Languages may have different levels of expressiveness for these type of paths, and static languages may require templates or code-generation for this.
  • In "encoded form", they are lists of uint64 values

We define SSZVariableName as the member variable name string, i.e., a path is presented as a sequence of integers and SSZVariableName.

PATH functions:

  • item_length:
    • See Pseudocode
      def item_length(typ: SSZType) -> int:
      Return the number of bytes in a basic type, or 32 (a full hash) for compound types.
      if issubclass(typ, BasicValue):
          return typ.byte_len
              return 32

    • Takes a SSZType as input

    • Returns the number of bytes in a basic type

    • Returns 32 (a full hash) for compound types.

  • get_elem_type
    • See Pseudocode
      def get_elem_type(typ: Union[BaseBytes, BaseList, Container],
                    index_or_variable_name: Union[int, SSZVariableName]) -> SSZType:
      Return the type of the element of an object of the given type with the given index
      or member variable name (eg. `7` for `x[7]`, `"foo"` for ``)
      return typ.get_fields()[index_or_variable_name] if issubclass(typ, Container) else typ.elem_type
    • Return the type of the element of an object of the given type with the given index

    • or Return member variable name (eg. 7 for x[7], "foo" for

  • chunk_count
    • See Pseudocode
      def chunk_count(typ: SSZType) -> int:
      Return the number of hashes needed to represent the top-level elements in the given type
      (eg. `` or `x[7]` but not `x[7].bar` or ``). In all cases except lists/vectors
      of basic types, this is simply the number of top-level elements, as each element gets one
      hash. For lists/vectors of basic types, it is often fewer because multiple basic elements
      can be packed into one 32-byte chunk.
      # typ.length describes the limit for list types, or the length for vector types.
      if issubclass(typ, BasicValue):
          return 1
      elif issubclass(typ, Bits):
          return (typ.length + 255) // 256
      elif issubclass(typ, Elements):
          return (typ.length * item_length(typ.elem_type) + 31) // 32
      elif issubclass(typ, Container):
          return len(typ.get_fields())
          raise Exception(f"Type not supported: {typ}")
    • Return the number of hashes needed to represent the top-level elements in the given type

      • (eg. or x[7] but not x[7].bar or
    • In all cases except lists/vectors of basic types, this is simply the number of top-level elements, as each element gets one hash.

    • For lists/vectors of basic types, it is often fewer because multiple basic elementscan be packed into one 32-byte chunk.

    • typ.length describes the limit for list types, or the length for vector types.

  • get_item_position
    • See Pseudocode
      def get_item_position(typ: SSZType, index_or_variable_name: Union[int, SSZVariableName]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
      Return three variables:
          (i) the index of the chunk in which the given element of the item is represented;
          (ii) the starting byte position within the chunk;
          (iii) the ending byte position within the chunk.
      For example: for a 6-item list of uint64 values, index=2 will return (0, 16, 24), index=5 will return (1, 8, 16)
      if issubclass(typ, Elements):
          index = int(index_or_variable_name)
          start = index * item_length(typ.elem_type)
          return start // 32, start % 32, start % 32 + item_length(typ.elem_type)
      elif issubclass(typ, Container):
          variable_name = index_or_variable_name
          return typ.get_field_names().index(variable_name), 0, item_length(get_elem_type(typ, variable_name))
          raise Exception("Only lists/vectors/containers supported")
    • Return three variables:

      • (i) the index of the chunk in which the given element of the item is represented;
      • (ii) the starting byte position within the chunk;
      • (iii) the ending byte position within the chunk.
  • get_generalized_index
    • See Pseudocode
      def get_generalized_index(typ: SSZType, path: Sequence[Union[int, SSZVariableName]]) -> GeneralizedIndex:
      Converts a path (eg. `[7, "foo", 3]` for `x[7].foo[3]`, `[12, "bar", "__len__"]` for
      `len(x[12].bar)`) into the generalized index representing its position in the Merkle tree.
      root = GeneralizedIndex(1)
      for p in path:
          assert not issubclass(typ, BasicValue)  # If we descend to a basic type, the path cannot continue further
          if p == '__len__':
              typ = uint64
              assert issubclass(typ, (List, ByteList))
              root = GeneralizedIndex(root * 2 + 1)
              pos, _, _ = get_item_position(typ, p)
              base_index = (GeneralizedIndex(2) if issubclass(typ, (List, ByteList)) else GeneralizedIndex(1))
              root = GeneralizedIndex(root * base_index * get_power_of_two_ceil(chunk_count(typ)) + pos)
              typ = get_elem_type(typ, p)
      return root 
    • Converts a path

      • (eg. [7, "foo", 3] for x[7].foo[3], [12, "bar", "__len__"])
    • into the generalized index representing its position in the Merkle tree.

      • len(x[12].bar)