We define a Merkle Multiproof
The minimal subset of nodes in a Merkle tree needed to fully authenticate that a set of nodes actually are:
def get_branch_indices(tree_index: GeneralizedIndex) -> Sequence[GeneralizedIndex]:
Get the generalized indices of the sister chunks along the path from the chunk with the
given tree index to the root.
o = [generalized_index_sibling(tree_index)]
while o[-1] > 1:
return o[:-1]
def get_path_indices(tree_index: GeneralizedIndex) -> Sequence[GeneralizedIndex]:
Get the generalized indices of the chunks along the path from the chunk with the
given tree index to the root.
o = [tree_index]
while o[-1] > 1:
return o[:-1]
def get_helper_indices(indices: Sequence[GeneralizedIndex]) -> Sequence[GeneralizedIndex]:
Get the generalized indices of all "extra" chunks in the tree needed to prove the chunks with the given
generalized indices. Note that the decreasing order is chosen deliberately to ensure equivalence to the
order of hashes in a regular single-item Merkle proof in the single-item case.
all_helper_indices: Set[GeneralizedIndex] = set()
all_path_indices: Set[GeneralizedIndex] = set()
for index in indices:
all_helper_indices = all_helper_indices.union(set(get_branch_indices(index)))
all_path_indices = all_path_indices.union(set(get_path_indices(index)))
return sorted(all_helper_indices.difference(all_path_indices), reverse=True)
def calculate_merkle_root(leaf: Bytes32, proof: Sequence[Bytes32], index: GeneralizedIndex) -> Root:
assert len(proof) == get_generalized_index_length(index)
for i, h in enumerate(proof):
if get_generalized_index_bit(index, i):
leaf = hash(h + leaf)
leaf = hash(leaf + h)
return leaf
def verify_merkle_proof(leaf: Bytes32, proof: Sequence[Bytes32], index: GeneralizedIndex, root: Root) -> bool:
return calculate_merkle_root(leaf, proof, index) == root
def calculate_multi_merkle_root(leaves: Sequence[Bytes32],
proof: Sequence[Bytes32],
indices: Sequence[GeneralizedIndex]) -> Root:
assert len(leaves) == len(indices)
helper_indices = get_helper_indices(indices)
assert len(proof) == len(helper_indices)
objects = {
**{index: node for index, node in zip(indices, leaves)},
**{index: node for index, node in zip(helper_indices, proof)}
keys = sorted(objects.keys(), reverse=True)
pos = 0
while pos < len(keys):
k = keys[pos]
if k in objects and k ^ 1 in objects and k // 2 not in objects:
objects[GeneralizedIndex(k // 2)] = hash(
objects[GeneralizedIndex((k | 1) ^ 1)] +
objects[GeneralizedIndex(k | 1)]
keys.append(GeneralizedIndex(k // 2))
pos += 1
return objects[GeneralizedIndex(1)]
def verify_merkle_multiproof(leaves: Sequence[Bytes32],
proof: Sequence[Bytes32],
indices: Sequence[GeneralizedIndex],
root: Root) -> bool:
return calculate_multi_merkle_root(leaves, proof, indices) == root
Note that the single-item proof is a special case of a multi-item proof; a valid single-item proof verifies correctly when put into the multi-item verification function (making the natural trivial changes to input arguments, index -> [index] and leaf -> [leaf]).
Note also that calculate_merkle_root and calculate_multi_merkle_root can be used independently to compute the new Merkle root of a proof with leaves updated.